Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Whoa Boy!

So I fell off the planet for a while there.  I seriously have to apologize for that.  This little lady is now 6  months prego!!! (do what?!)  That's my official announcement... that's all you get. :)
 Anyways, I felt generally crappy for the first 4 months, and I have spent the remaining two months caught up in life in general.  We're doing our best to prepare for a new littles and it's, quite frankly, taking all I have in me.  I think about this blog all the time.  It's something I truly enjoy, but I just have the hardest time finding time to devote to it.  So....dear followers... there will be times that I take a blogging break.  That's just the way it will be.  My apologies...

So....we have a lot on our plates nowadays.  We are replacing flooring, repainting the house, painting the crib, trying to locate fabric to recover old crib bedding, going to baseball practice, going to baseball games, trying to track down a dang gymnastics teacher, working 40 hours a week, going to childbirth classes, opening my brain and dropping in everything I can find on natural childbirth, and freaking out about our future with 3 kids.  I'm trying not to think about it honestly because I get overwhelmed.  I'm lucky in that my kiddos are school aged (finally), so things look pretty good from where we sit.  It's just a huge adjustment and I'm not sure what to expect.

We planned to move to another part of town, but that has been put on the back burner for a little while.  Instead, we're focusing on making our house livable with 5 bodies instead of 4 (thus the aforementioned to-do list).  I spent the better part of this past weekend creating a space for the new babe in Liv's room.  Liv is PUMPED that the babe will share a room with her.  I'm not positive that it's the best decision, but Ian, being the oldest, has seniority and deserves his own space.  We will eventually have to get another house, but we love the layout of this house and are content to stay here as long as we need to.  I'm not crazy about the neighborhood, but we have enjoyed the house itself... and a cop lives 2 houses down.  

If you're wondering if we're having a boy because of the title of this post, the answer is I don't know.  We didn't find out this time.  It's exciting but I can honestly say that it's hard to bond with a mystery baby.  Little bit has become quite the mover and shaker as of late which helps.  The energy this kid has makes me wonder if it's a boy.  Boys are popping out all around me, so that gives me hope that we have a little guy in this big belly as well.  Also, when I found out I was pregnant, I immediately told the Lord that it was the desire of our hearts to have a boy.  He has never failed me (because I specifically requested the gender of each of my other children), so I have no reason to believe that things will be any different this go round.  Yay boys!!!

So anyways, that's life recently for these Wharton's.  As I leave, enjoy a photo of the new littles trying to avoid the paparazzi.  More updates to come sooner than later! :)


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